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Sunday, January 31, 2010

How To Manage Your Time In Network Marketing

One of the hardest parts of working from home is one that many people don't realize. It's managing your time. Sure, working from home can be a godsend. After all, what's better than working around your own schedule and spending more time with the family? But sometimes, these things can actually interrupt you. The family still needs taken care of, groceries bought, errands run, and dinner made. The best thing to do is follow a few tips to managing your time better.
To start, figure out what time you can get the most done, and when you feel the best during the day. Some people are morning risers and feel great at 6am. Still others feel their best after a long morning and leisurely lunch. Use whatever time works for you as the time to do your work.That way you can do the best job possible.
If you have children, try to make this their time to do activities that you are not needed for. Set up the game system, pop in a favorite movie or get out the art kit. If you have older kids, enlist their help in watching the kids while you work. You should also try to teach your kids to not disturb you when you are trying to work. Unfortunately, this is probably not going to happen as well as you would like, but trying to set some boundaries may help a little.
When you figure out the times that you can get the most work done, set your schedule and make a list of what you need to accomplish. By having your work outlined for you, right in front of you, you can focus more on getting it done. Stick to this schedule until it is completed. If you work on the computer, do not allow yourself to get distracted by unnecessary things. So many men and women who work at home on the Internet let themselves wander off to browse the news, message boards, chat rooms, etc. If this is a problem, designate a time for your day to do only this. That will help you feel that you are not missing anything.
After you have accomplished what you planned to for the day, take an extra few minutes to write up an outline of your next day's work. That way, when you get the time again, you can jump right in. Following these few simple tips will allow you to manage your time the best for your home based work.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The State of the Economy and the Human Mind

I am an online marketer. While it is not my main source of income (still serve the State of Texas as a correctional officer) it has given me an option to make more money.
Now......regardless of what you feel about online marketing, network marketing/mlm....it is a fact of our society and of our current economy that we MUST have multiple streams of income.
I have caught alot of heat from numerous different sources regarding what I do. This may be because of past indiscretions by some very unscrupulous people. I must tell you that I honestly cannot worry about what everyone else thinks of my choice.
I have to point out that most of these same people are on FB playing mafia wars, and farmville, and farmtown and yoville. These same people complain that they don't have time or money freedom and yet.....will criticize me when I am working hard at networking and making an income online. I am an honest marketer because I am an honest person. I do not make any apologies for what I do.
So the title is The State of the Economy and the Human Mind. This is how this all relates in this discussion. When did we as a society learn helplessness and self pity? When did we as a society "unlearn" the work ethic once passed from father to child?
My grandfather taught me long ago that the world never meets you half way and that you must work as hard as you can regardless of the economic status in the country. Until we can do that as a society and get away from the welfare mentality, we will not see an economic recovery.
Am I going to get wealthy doing what I do? Probably not. The odds are stacked that I won't. That, however, will not stop me from trying to make money helping others succeed in business and in life in general.
I welcome your ideas on this topic. I realize that this isn't a scientific study by any means.....but then again.....even economists struggle at solving our societal economic problem that we are currently in.
I will continue doing what I do....and most will continue to do what they do. Idle time is wasted time and I refuse to surrender to anyone or anything! If you would like more information on the most prolific author on personal development of our time please simply click the link on the left side of my page under Sponsors and it will take you to the official Jim Rohn store. Thanks for reading and, as always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Network Marketing Exposed-The True Story

This is just some insights I have learned from my 15+ years of being involved with the network marketing industry. While I am still involved, my knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds within just the past few months. My failures of the past can be your saving grace if you are currently looking at network marketing opportunities. some may be angered by what I say. I don't honestly care because I would rather be content with the truth than believe a lie and pay the price!!! I may save you from making a poor choice....and maybe not......but you will not regret or soon forget the information contained on this video.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blastoff Network Tutorial With Nathan Jeffery

Many experts believe Free Blastoff Network will be the biggest social networking platform EVER! Blastoff Network is predicted to revolutionize the Internet! Visit the site below to be one of the first to have a Free Blastoff Network site. Position yourself to Profit before the masses join the Blastoff Network! To Sign Up for Free, go to the link below the video above and click and I will see you there!
I am a member and have been since the launch of the Blastoff Network. I enjoy my shopping and listening to music and doing everything I want to do from one browser and.........wait for it........I make and save money EVERY time I shop in the Blastoff Mall. As a matter of fact I purchased this laptop through my mall at Best Buy and received cash back in addition to receiving a huge discount.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

When The Earth Shakes Our Foundation

Tonight I am going to write about my thoughts on the latest double tragedy that has happened in Haiti. I first heard of the earthquake and the massive damage and loss of life the morning after the initial quake.
I followed the news carefully and was shaken emotionally by the sight of the massive destruction and video of attempted rescues and orphanages filled with sick and injured children. It certainly looked like a war zone.
I began to wonder why, when we have natural tragedies like this in our world, we see mass fundraising begin from the private sector. I don't wonder this because I think we shouldn't be doing this. Don't get me wrong. I whole heartedly support any and all aid we can give being brought to the Haitian people.
But where is the government? Our government! I watched as dignitaries from the USA flew into Haiti to make their appearances and "pose" for the cameras and I had to ask myself, "how many people could be helped with what their clothing or the flight to get them there cost?"
We need to take a serious look at how we are conducting our business both here at home and abroad and this taxpayer thinks we should be getting our troops and assets out of harms way in war and use them for saving lives.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Beating Bankruptcy!!!

I feel absolutely compelled tonight to write about the latest "woes" of our economy. I would have preferred to say the state of our economy, however, it would not convey the absolute gravity of the situation.
We all know that times are difficult and everyone I know, even those of us in network marketing, is struggling in some form or fashion. It is easy for us to become discouraged and give up. I am here to say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
There are many opportunities out there that are trying to get what money you have. I am on here trying to make money.......that is the idea of marketing any product/company. With that said, I have discovered what I believe is the best way to accomplish my goals of a residual income.
We all know that marketing one business/product is going to be at best.........sloooooooooow. We have all heard that in order to succeed in this industry you MUST have multiple streams of income. Over time you are going to see that I will be representing a number of different companies. I have done so intentionally.
Let's face it........not everyone is going to be interested in any specific product line or opportunity and in todays market you better have some diversity or YOU WILL LOSE CLIENTELE. Say it with me here folks..........BANKRUPT!
Please continue to look in on this blog from time to time. Express your concerns and feel free to give me feedback. I am asking for it freely. In order for me to improve I need to see it through anothers eyes. Together we can all make it through this "recession", divided......we may very well see another depression.
I recently placed a comment in my Facebook status and this is what I am going to be discussing in this post. When I was young I had the advantage of getting to observe my grandfathers (Jeffery and Rowlette), as well as my father. I observed everything they did. The way they related to their family and more specifically their wives. I also observed their work ethic......and of course that is the context of my blog here today.
I have noticed through the years that we have FAILED to teach our children the value of a fairs days work for a fair days pay. At some point the majority of our children learned that the world owes them a living.
Now, let me back up here a second and explain how that happens. I observed my parents and grandparents and that is where I learned my beliefs on the majority of life. The rest I learned from life experience. So where did our children learn this attitude of "I am owed something?"
How then, do we reverse this thinking. There are many ways, however, the first needs to be adjusting the way we think and act ourselves. The other is trying to re-teach and when and if that fails we must back off and let life be the teacher....and life has a way of being very "to the point" when it comes to success and failure. Good luck to you all and I wish the best of success to everyone in every facet of our lives.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today I am going to be speaking about "multiple streams of income". We all know that the economy is having it's largest struggle since the great depression. So what do we do about it? Well, we can be like the vast majority and gripe and complain and do nothing. We can also choose to sit on our butts and feel sorry for ourselves until unemployment runs out. We have many possible choices. As I looked at this issue I evaluated what my choices were. I came up with a few options and determined what fit best with my personality and goals.
I do not like circumstances or temporary situations determining my long term path. I have caught grief for the business ventures that I represent online and in the normal world. Perhaps you are even one of those that I have prospected. Now, look at the "why" I am doing this. It has been proven through many years of trial and error that those that excel and succeed are those that are able to step past all of the negative sentiment and be in the here and now. The number one way to fail is to quit! Some may say that "he's annoying me with all of his advertising" or "it's another pyramid scheme/scam". Well, number one I do not believe either of those statements to be valid and second, I have a positive cash flow in this down economy without resorting to government programs and the like. Is it worth it you might ask? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I must tell you that I tested my PrePaid Legal membership once again today. After 3 months of trying to get a plane ticket refunded and only receiving a voucher worth $50 less than I paid, I called the provider firm and received a call back from an attorney in 23 minutes. (they had up to 8 hours to respond by contract) Now $303.52 isn't a huge amount of money, but, when my membership costs me less than that per year it has already covered that cost and then some. It is so nice to be able to tell someone I am handing this over to my attorney.....AND MEAN IT!
Between this incident and my identity almost being stolen and caught before it was......Well, sufficed to say, I will be a dedicated member and associate with PPLSI for the rest of my life!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I look back on everything I have ever done and wonder how I have lived this long. LOL. Isn't it amazing that we can suffer catastrophic loss and still function? I have chosen in my life to help those less fortunate have an easier time getting through the difficulties of life. For my trouble I have taken some heat from some and received praise from others. The key is to make sure that praise is not what you seek when helping others and the negative comments??? Well......let's just say that there are those that are going to be miserable regardless of our actions.
Do the best you can to help your fellow man. This is something I learned from my grandfather many years ago. I always wondered what he got out of it and now that I am older I see the wisdom that those teachings held. May we all strive to be a little better, work a little harder, and pick people up when they are down!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Is Here!!!!

Hello my friends and happy new year. 2009 was very successful for me and I anticipate a better year this and every subsequent year. I am thrilled that I am able to own a business that helps so many people.
I have always been a "helper" and this allows me to do that and help people gain access to a previously difficult to access service.
I wanted to share with all of you that I purchased a laptop computer yesterday on my free to join blastoff network site for $330 in the mall. Not only will I receive cash back but I saved a ton doing it.
Blastoff is my free gift to each of you and rest assured that if you ever need legal help all you have to do is click on the legal icon on your very own blastoff network homepage.
Thank you for reading my blog and I will see you on the internet. I wish you all a safe and more prosperous 2010!
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