I have to express myself on this subject. Many of you have seen me on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and, of course, here on my blog. Many of you have viewed my videos and I have received comments ranging from "Bravo" to "Unprofessional". Of course those that are being critical are the one's that send their comments to my inbox.
So why do I feel it important to dedicate a post to this subject? Because I am training people not only in network marketing, but also in the area of "self worth" and "self esteem".
During my years in network marketing I have seen the "hype" and the faux, which means fake, in French.....fake cars and fake homes and fake cash and virtually every variant of those ploys used to suck people in and get them to buy either into a company or into a product. That is not business in my book......THAT IS FRAUD!!!
And they do this to their "friends". I do not do business that way because I have a firm conscience and I want people to like me and trust me and know that I am worthy of both of those!
I am who I am and I make no apologies to anyone for that. In my training videos you will see that I am funny when I need to be and serious as well from time to time. That is the genuine me. You will not see fancy suits and cars and houses. You have all seen enough of that to last a lifetime, as have I.
I liken it to a saying from the movie Lethal Weapon in which it is stated by Actor Joe Pesci, "they screw you at the drive through".
Marketing is the drive through in this case and that saying should not have to be associated with the industry of network marketing if we are acting in an ethical manner.
Like me, love me, or hate me........I am irrefutably one thing, ALWAYS ME!BE YOURSELF AND NOT WHAT OTHERS EXPECT YOU TO BE!!!!!!! Please feel free to leave me your thoughts below in my comments section and get in contact with me if you would like. Join my blogs followers and receive updates as they are posted. Now back to making my next video....Nathan Jeffery on the Power of the List.
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