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Monday, February 8, 2010

GET PAID For Collecting Data (Nathan Jeffery)

Folks.......you will hardly EVER see me put a post like this on my blog but this was too awesome not to share with all of you. It is a completely FREE affiliate company operated by Twin Labs for data gathering. You have got to check out this site. This will launch on February 16th so check it out and if it looks like a good fit for you then sign up. As Geico put's it........ "This is so simple even a caveman can do it". "Show Me The Money"
It's As Simple As "Tag You're It". There are no commissions paid for the act of sponsoring people into The DNA Opportunity. All commissions are based on DATA COLLECTION and on the sale of products and services offered by The D.N.A. Company.
PERSONAL PRODUCTION TAG BONUS: YOU Earn? $25 PERSONAL CERTIFICATION BONUS by TAGGING 20 CARS within your 1st 30 days with DNA. YOU Earn $2 TAGGING 20 CARS monthly thereafter.
PERSONAL? TEAM PRODUCTION TAG BONUS: YOU Earn $25 on each person You Personally TAG who TAGS 20 CARS in their 1st 30 days with DNA.
PERSONAL 5 level GROUP TAG BONUS: YOU Earn $2 on every person within 5 levels who TAGS 20 CARS in their 1st 30 days.
100% MATCHING BONUS: YOU Earn a 100% Matching Bonus on all of the Group Bonus earnings of everyone you have Personally TAGGED.
50% CLIENT BONUS: YOU Earn 50% of any gross sales made to any clients who you have personally TAGGED.
50% REWARD BONUS: YOU Earn all or part of 50% of any reward paid by any client when a TAG you have Personally TAGGED leads to a reward. If more than one person TAGGED such TAG then the reward will be divided equally.
TOP TEN TAGGER BONUS: Each month the Top Ten Taggers for each calender month will divide 1% of the company's gross monthly sales.
YOU TAG 20 = $25
YOU TAG 10 WHO TAG 20 = $250
1st LEVEL 200 TAGS = $20
2nd LEVEL 2,000 TAGS = $200
3rd LEVEL 20,000 TAGS = $2000
4th LEVEL 200,000 TAGS = $?????
5th LEVEL 2,000,000 TAGS = $??????

Since an opportunity like this has never entered the world of network marketing we can only show you how much you will earn on personal & group effort.
Since there is really no way of knowing how many data collectors you will personally find that will do it... It is impossible to give you any true examples...
What we will do is post the top fifty or more monthly results so everyone can get a good idea of what is actually happening in the field...
The most exciting bonus we offer is the 100% MATCHING BONUS... by creating 10 DNA Active...
IMPORTANT Monthly Qualifications
ACTIVE AFFILIATE: In order to qualify for any management or group bonuses you must have a minimum of 20 tags that you have personally entered into your back office in the same month for which management or group bonuses could have been earned.?
100% MATCHING BONUS: In order to qualify for a 100% Matching Bonuses on the group income bonus received by any person you personally sponsor. You must have ten or more active affiliates in the same month for which matching bonuses could have been earned.

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